Building Business
American Bank Card Processing Inc.
'The difference between a stumbling block and a stepping stone is how you use them' - Unknown
The ABC's of Payment Processing Vol. 5
Results = Increased Sales
We want to do all we can to help you and your business increase sales!
By providing our current services as well as those under development, we are very focused on driving up sales for our merchant-partners. This will drive up our sales as well.
By utilizing recently developed and developing technologies we are doing for ourselves and other small business owners what the ‘Heavy Weights’ have been doing and capitalizing on with fabulous results!
taking advantage of social media is but the tip of the iceberg when it comes to driving up your business’ sales. Below are basic steps to follow to increase sales with relatively inexpensive implementations.
- Web-Site – an absolute ‘must have’ for any business these days. A basic site can be set up for a few hundred dollars. Contact any web developer or just contact us, we can help you put up a simple but effective web-site.
- Payments- accept all forms of payment. From every credit card brand, including American Express, to every debit and pre-paid credit card you run into. The more payment types you can accept the more you’ll receive. Accept cash, checks and money orders, all without risk, just ask us to set it up.
- Rewards Program a simple little gift and loyalty card program with either plastic cards and/or with e-gift coupons and e-discount coupons will increase sales and increase customer loyalty, in some cases dramatically! Just ask us how to get started.
- Marketing- it takes effort to make something happen. Develop some kind of marketing, start with your local yellow pages and place an ad (place w/credit card logos!). Make certain your customers and potential customers can find you and your offers.
- E-mail – Try e-mail marketing because it can work when done properly. Try a company like ‘icontact’ for more information click here ., they can help you put together an effective and professional campaign that you can set on ‘auto-pilot’ to operate automatically. We use them and we’re very satisfied…
- Mobile Marketing- Text message your customer base with specials and stimulate and capture impulse buying! We have a program in place with a company called ‘StreetSavings’ that gets it done quickly and it’s surprisingly inexpensive and the return is incredible! Contact us for more information at
- Inventory control- control your inventory and increase sales across the board. Eliminate out of stock issues with the right POS software and/or hardware. We have a computer POS system (Iventrak) with the cash register, bar code scanner, monitor w/card swiper, printer etc, the whole ball of wax, that does what e-bay and amazon both do by recommending a product others have bought who also bought that same product. It can do some other truly unbelievable things for your business...
- Direct Mail- send out post cards advertising your products and/or service. We’re considering hiring someone to go door to door like you see done with flyers. We’ll let you know how it goes after we’ve done it!
The point is it takes some action to get a reaction! Get busy doing something, just give it a try and see what happens! Sometimes it’s not any one particular thing that makes the difference but rather the combination of a lot of little things when put into action that can dramatically and even exponentially increase your sales!
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